MP4 upload error in Blackboard

It has come to our attention that there is an issues with MP4 files in BB9. Mp4 files are listed as a supported file type but uploading a file produces and error stating that the file is invalid. This has has been reported to Blackboard and they have stated that it is a know issue that they are working on but there is no date for a fix.

To address this issue you can use other file types, such as Quicktime. The Quicktime file format can take advantage of the same technologies that make MP4 desirable to use. For specifies on the processes for various softwares and file type conversions, please contact IDS for assistance.

Why is my course marked "unavailable"?

When course sites are created, they are unavailable to students by default. When a professor is ready for students to access a course site, they must make it available.

If you are a student and your course site is unavailable, contact your professor to find out when the site will be turned on.

If you are faculty and you aren’t sure how to make a course site available, this guide will walk you through the process.

Why can't I log in?

You should log in using your TitanConnect user name and password. If you have forgotten your TitanConnect password, visit the TitanConnect home page and click the Forget Password? link at the bottom of the Secure Access Login box:

If you need more help with your account, contact the ITS HELPDESK by phone 313-993-1500 (Monday-Thursday, 8:30am to 7:00pm and Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm) or by email

I just changed my password, but I still can’t log in

It can take as much as 15 minutes before a password update is recognized by Knowledge. If you just changed your password and your new password isn’t working, please wait a few minutes and try again.

How do I change my email address on Knowledge?

Users can no longer change their email address on Knowledge. Your email address on Knowledge should be your email address. If for some reason this is not your Knowledge email address, send an email from your UDM email account indicating the problem and your account will be updated.

If you’d rather not use TitanConnect to read and manage your email, you might consider using the forwarding feature built into the UDM email system or a desktop client. Both options are outlined below:

Option 1: Forwarding your UDM mail

1. Log into Titan Connect and launch the email program.

2. Choose the Options tab within the email program.

3. Click Settings.

4. Scroll down to the Mail Forwarding box, near the bottom of the page. Check the “Enable forwarding” box and enter the email address you’d like your mail forwarded to in the email address box.

If you would like your emails deleted from your UDM email account when they are forwarded, check the box labeled “Do not leave copy on server”. Note that compromised UDM email accounts will sometimes result in other email services (Hotmail and Yahoo! mail, in particular) blocking email from If you choose not leave a copy of your messages on the server, any messages sent at these times will be lost. However, if you choose to leave mail on the UDM server, you will need log into TitanConnect from time to time and clear out your UDM inbox, in order to ensure that you continue receiving email.

Option 2: Using Thunderbird for UDM mail

To avoid this potential issue, you may consider setting up a desktop email client to read and manage your email. Mozilla Thunderbird is good free alternative.

If you would like to use Thunderbird on your desktop, visit the Thunderbird site and click the “Free Download” button. Follow the instructions onscreen to download and install the software on your computer. When you run Thunderbird for the first time, it will walk you through the set up process. Most of the setup is automated.

1. Provide your full name as you would like it to appear when sending email, your full UDM email address, and your password. If the computer you are using is secure, you may check the “Remember password” box. Click CONTINUE to continue the setup process.

2. Thunderbird will attempt to set up your account for you. It will correctly identify the University’s IMAP server settings, which will allow allow you to use both Thunderbird and your TitanConnect web mail to view your messages. It will not correctly identify the university’s outgoing mail server. Click the Manual Setup button to set up your outgoing mail server.

3. When you click Manual Setup, the Account Settings window will open. Choose “Outgoing Server” from the list on the left side of this window.

4. Click the Edit button to set your default outgoing mail setting.

5. Enter an appropriately descriptive name, such as “UDM Email” in the Description field. Type “” in the Server Name field, then click OK.

Congratulations! You will now be able to use Thunderbird to view, read, and send email on your home computer or laptop. The default IMAP setting means you’ll still be able to log into TitanConnect and view your email online when you are away from your home or do not have your laptop handy.


Looking to set up email on your phone? Check out the tutorials provided by ITS.

If you have questions about email, contact the ITS helpdesk at (313) 993-1500 or email

Knowledge – Fall update status

All Users: Please remember that you need to login using your TitanConnect (TC) username and password. If you change your TC password that change will update your Blackboard password, as well. If you need your Titan Connect information please contact the ITS helpdesk 313-993-1500 or Submit A Help Desk Ticket

Student Users:If your course is listed as “unavailable”, contact your instructor for information for the date availability.

Faculty Users: ORG course will be restored by Friday. If you ORG course is not available on Friday or if you experience any issues or errors with your course sites, please contact the Instructional Design Studio

UPDATE for FACULTY (As of 8/24/10 at 1:30): All the ORG course site are now restored, if you have any issues contact IDS.

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