Why can't I change my course name?

Knowledge course names automatically update to match the official course name as a part of the TitanConnect  / Knowledge synchronization. If you make a change to a course name on Knowledge, it will revert to the official course name (as displayed in TitanConnect) at the next update.

If you made a change to the course name to help identify it on your My Courses list, consider modifying your My Courses list to display the Course ID in addition to course names.

Where is my course menu?

Blackboard 9 now offers the ability to expand your course screen to help make it easier to view content. When your course content space is expanded, your course menu is hidden.

Click the arrow shown here to expand the screen.

To bring your course menu back, put your mouse pointer at the left side of the screen and the arrow will return (now pointing to the right). Click the arrow to restore your menu.

hide menu

Ensure that the screen is returned to its usual position before logging off.  If you are unable to see your navigation folders, check to see if you are looking at an expanded screen.  If so, click the arrow shown to return the screen to its proper position.

Where is my course menu?

Blackboard 9 now offers the ability to expand your course screen to help make it easier to view content. When your course content space is expanded, your course menu is hidden.

Click the arrow shown here to expand the screen.

Ensure that the screen is returned to its usual position before logging off. If you are unable to see your navigation folders, check to see if you are looking at an expanded screen. If so, click the arrow shown to return the screen to its proper position.

Import a course archive

Archives and exports provide a way for you to easily re-use all content developed for a previous term’s course site. When you export or archive a course, you download a zip file that’s not particularly useful outside of Knowledge. To recover the content in that zip, you’ll need to import it into a course site. This might be a current, official course site with students loaded or, if you’d prefer, you can contact the Instructional Design Studio (ids@udmercy.edu; 313-578-0580) to have a development space set up on Knowledge. Once you have a course site selected, the steps involved in loading an archive into a course site are fairly simple:

1. Open the course site.

2. Click “Packages and Utilities” under the Control Panel heading to open the packages menu.

3. Select “Import Package/View Log”

4. Click the “Import Package” button in the upper left of the content space.

5. Click the “Browse” button.

6. Locate the archive or export zip file on your computer.

7. Select the parts of the previous course you wish to import into the new course site. You may not want to include some time-sensitive elements, such as Announcements.

8. Click the submit button to upload your course content.

Note: it may take as much as 20 minutes for the uploaded content to appear in your course, depending on the amount of content in your archive or zip file. You will be emailed when the upload has finished.

Issue with Ask IDS helpdesk resolved

An error in the Ask IDS Helpdesk that was resulting in help requests not being delivered has been resolved. If you posted a question to the Ask IDS helpdesk and did not receive an email copy of your question, please contact the Instructional Design Studio directly (ids@udmercy.edu / 313-578-0580) or  resubmit your help ticket.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused

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