Category Archives: Discussion

Subscribe to a Discussion Board Forum

Want to be notified whenever someone posts to a discussion board forum? If the option has been enabled by the instructor, you can subscribe to a forum. When you’ve subscribed to a forum you’ll get an email (in your UDM inbox) whenever someone posts on the forum. Depending on how the forum is set up, you may receive an email alert containing a link to the new forum post, or you may receive an email that includes the link as...

Add an Image

If you’d like to add an image into an item, discussion board post, announcement, or any other space where the toolbar is available, click the INSERT / EDIT IMAGE button on the bottom row of the toolbar. Browse your computer for the image file you’d like to add to the page. We recommend adding a brief description of the image in the IMAGE DESCRIPTION box. If the image is very large, you can edit the size in the add image...