Hide the right-side tools pane in Adobe Acrobat

If you’re using Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files, you may find a significant portion of the right side of your screen taken up by one or another tool panel. By default, you likely see a panel that starts with an EXPORT PDF heading. This provides access to tools available if you pay an fee for Acrobat. To hide this panel, click the Tools heading above it, as seen in the picture below.

Acrobat Tools

Grading Assignments

If you’ve added an assignment to a content space in your course site, at some point you’ll need to grade what you’ve collected. This video walks through the process, including looking at and commenting on student submissions online, viewing SafeAssign originality reports, and clearing attempts.

* NOTE: When adding feedback to student work, make sure you click outside your comment on the student’s page to save your comment. If you click directly from your comment to the scoring space, your comment will be lost.

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