Category Archives: For Faculty

Subscribe to a Discussion Board Forum

Want to be notified whenever someone posts to a discussion board forum? If the option has been enabled by the instructor, you can subscribe to a forum. When you’ve subscribed to a forum you’ll get an email (in your UDM inbox) whenever someone posts on the forum. Depending on how the forum is set up, you may receive an email alert containing a link to the new forum post, or you may receive an email that includes the link as...

How do I print or download a test in Blackboard?

The answer is, its not very easy to do! That’s by design to help preserve the integrity of your online exams. However, there are times when faculty may need to print a test for review, to provide paper version for a student, or any number of reasons. You may not be able to download or print a test very easily, BUT IDS CAN HELP! If a test is in Blackboard, currently you have to manually copy/paste each question or copy...

Link to an interactive tool from a content area

Are you having your students engage in online discussion, write blog or journal posts, collaborate using a wiki, or work in groups? If you’re organizing your course by topic rather than content type (that is, putting all the content and activities for a unit / lesson / module / week together in a single folder), you’ll links directly to these activities inside your content area. Once you’re familiar with the process, linking directly to these tools is easy. But the...

Linking to Articles in UDM Subscription Databases

To fix a link so it works both on and off campus, you’ll need to start with the article’s on-campus address. Then, add the following text to the beginning of the database link: This should work for links to any UDM database/e-book subscription with the exception of databases that require additional login information such as MeL, provided you start with an on campus address.   For clarity, I’m going to use a Sage Journals article to demonstrate. On campus,...

Optimizing Grade Center for My Grades: the student grade view

When students view their grades on Blackboard they use a tool called My Grades. The My Grades page is quite different than the Grade Center used by instructors, so it’s important to organize items in a way that makes sense to both students and instructors. When a student opens the My Grades tool from the My Knowledge page, this is what they see. (When a student opens the My Grades tool inside a specific course, the list of courses on the...

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