Author Archives: admin

Avoiding "locked out" students in proctored Blackboard tests.

In a situation where faculty are administering a proctored Blackboard test, such as in a computer lab environment, there have been instances where students get disconnected from the test. Once the student is disconnected the test normally needs to have the attempt cleared and the student needs to restart the test, which is not ideal for the faculty or the student. The student loses all progress and time previously applied to the test.

A solution to avoid this situation, is to not choose “Force Completion” and set the presentation mode to “One at a Time” in the test settings. While “Force Completion” is used quite often to prevent student from reentering a test after reviewing it, in a proctored test environment this setting is unnecessary, due to the nature proctoring. By not enabling “Force Completion” students are allowed to reenter the test after the last question that was completed. For example, if they had completed up to question 7 and advanced to question 8, they would be returned to question 8 upon reentering that test.

Using this method should alleviate the stress of a student being “locked out” of a test after a network or computer error. If you try this method please provide any feedback that you can, positive/negative as the the effectiveness to IDS. While we have tested this method, we cannot account for all variables that students and faculty may encounter, so we appreciate your input.

Where is my course menu?

Blackboard 9 now offers the ability to expand your course screen to help make it easier to view content. When your course content space is expanded, your course menu is hidden.

Click the arrow shown here to expand the screen.

To bring your course menu back, put your mouse pointer at the left side of the screen and the arrow will return (now pointing to the right). Click the arrow to restore your menu.

hide menu

Ensure that the screen is returned to its usual position before logging off.  If you are unable to see your navigation folders, check to see if you are looking at an expanded screen.  If so, click the arrow shown to return the screen to its proper position.

Where is my course menu?

Blackboard 9 now offers the ability to expand your course screen to help make it easier to view content. When your course content space is expanded, your course menu is hidden.

Click the arrow shown here to expand the screen.

Ensure that the screen is returned to its usual position before logging off. If you are unable to see your navigation folders, check to see if you are looking at an expanded screen. If so, click the arrow shown to return the screen to its proper position.

MP4 upload error in Blackboard

It has come to our attention that there is an issues with MP4 files in BB9. Mp4 files are listed as a supported file type but uploading a file produces and error stating that the file is invalid. This has has been reported to Blackboard and they have stated that it is a know issue that they are working on but there is no date for a fix.

To address this issue you can use other file types, such as Quicktime. The Quicktime file format can take advantage of the same technologies that make MP4 desirable to use. For specifies on the processes for various softwares and file type conversions, please contact IDS for assistance.

Knowledge – Fall update status

All Users: Please remember that you need to login using your TitanConnect (TC) username and password. If you change your TC password that change will update your Blackboard password, as well. If you need your Titan Connect information please contact the ITS helpdesk 313-993-1500 or Submit A Help Desk Ticket

Student Users:If your course is listed as “unavailable”, contact your instructor for information for the date availability.

Faculty Users: ORG course will be restored by Friday. If you ORG course is not available on Friday or if you experience any issues or errors with your course sites, please contact the Instructional Design Studio

UPDATE for FACULTY (As of 8/24/10 at 1:30): All the ORG course site are now restored, if you have any issues contact IDS.

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