Laptop loan for faculty

The Instructional Design Studio has a limited number of laptops that may be checked out by faculty and staff interested in developing online course content. These laptops have Camtasia software installed, which makes it a breeze to record any onscreen activity, from PowerPoint lectures to software tutorials. Our new laptops include high quality touchscreens, making it easy to annotate your presentations, or write or draw your own. Check out a short demo of the software here …

Laptops can be checked out for one week by UDM faculty or staff.

If you’re using Camtasia to create pre-recorded lectures for your students — whether on a checked out laptop or on your own — the Instructional Design Studio would be happy to produce and post those recordings for you, provided they’re less than 20 minutes in length. Turn-around time for Camtasia production is 3 days.

Interested in checking out a laptop or taking advantage of our production services? Contact the Instructional Design Studio for help!

(313) 578-0580 or