Category Archives: For Faculty

Share large files with OneDrive

OneDrive, the cloud-based file storage solution available to the UDM community as part of Office 365, makes it easy to share files and large documents with others, including files that would traditionally be too large to send through email. To share a file via OneDrive, first log into Office365 by your preferred means. Locate the button that looks like a grid of nine tiles in the bar that runs across the top of Office 365. Click that to open the...

Copy a Test From One Course to Another

Having taken the time to create a test for one of your courses, you may want to copy that test into another course. There are a few ways to go about this. First, if you want to copy ALL the tests from one course into another, you can use the Course Copy function (outlined in greater detail here), but select only the Tests, Surveys, and Pools checkbox under the SELECT COURSE MATERIALS heading. If you only want to move one...

Creating a Folder on Blackboard (And Putting Things Inside It)

Just like on your desktop (or laptop or even in your filing cabinet), Blackboard folders are the best way to organize content and keep similar items together. Fortunately, folders are dead-simple to create and populate. To create a folder, navigate to the part of the course where you want to create your new folder, then point to BUILD and choose CONTENT FOLDER. Enter a name for your folder in the NAME space. You can also use the color picker to...

Standard Options

The Standard Options are the same on pretty much everything you add to Blackboard. If you’d like to make the content available to students, whether immediately or at a later date, click select YES on the “Permit Users to View this Content” line. If you’d like users to view the content at a set time in the future, but not immediately, you should select YES on the “Permit Users to View” line, then check the DISPLAY AFTER box and enter...

Test Availability Exceptions

In the past, some faculty have used the password option to make a test available to individuals after the official test-taking period has ended, or, in course sites that include both graduate and undergraduate students, to make sure only the grad students launch the grad exam and only undergrads take the undergrad exam. The Test Availability Exceptions feature makes it easier to manage this sort of situation. Even better, Availability Exceptions make it possible to extend the time limit on...

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