Category Archives: Content Area

Create and Edit Tests

Assessment helps faculty members evaluate student understanding of course material.  Tests in particular can provide a way of measuring student performance, and enhance the overall effectiveness of your course.  The Assessment section of your Blackboard course site in the Content area allows you to create three different types of student assessment: Test, Surveys, and Assignments. This tutorial will focus on the basics of test creation.  While tests are held in a Test Manager portion of your course site, individual tests...

Link to an interactive tool from a content area

Are you having your students engage in online discussion, write blog or journal posts, collaborate using a wiki, or work in groups? If you’re organizing your course by topic rather than content type (that is, putting all the content and activities for a unit / lesson / module / week together in a single folder), you’ll links directly to these activities inside your content area. Once you’re familiar with the process, linking directly to these tools is easy. But the...

Linking to Articles in UDM Subscription Databases

To fix a link so it works both on and off campus, you’ll need to start with the article’s on-campus address. Then, add the following text to the beginning of the database link: This should work for links to any UDM database/e-book subscription with the exception of databases that require additional login information such as MeL, provided you start with an on campus address.   For clarity, I’m going to use a Sage Journals article to demonstrate. On campus,...

Install Audacity on a Mac

Audacity is free, open source software that makes it simple to record and edit audio on your computer. Installing Audacity on a MAC isn’t difficult, there’s an extra step that’s often overlooked if you want to save your recordings as MP3s, rather than much relatively large WAV files. To download Audacity, go to the Audacity downloads page ( and choose the appropriate version. In this walkthrough, we’ll be looking at downloading and installing Audacity on your MAC.   There are...

Record audio with Audacity

Audacity is free, open source software that makes it simple to record and edit audio on your computer. This tutorial will walk you though the basics of recording and editing with Audacity. If you need to install Audacity, you might want to start with this walkthrough. 1. Make sure the right microphone is selected Before you start recording, you’ll want to make sure the right microphone is selected. If you’re using a USB headset, we recommend plugging it in before...

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